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Bracknell Methodist Church

Serving the local community of Priestwood and the town of Bracknell, Bracknell Methodist Church offers a mix of traditional Methodist and modern styles of worship. We are a friendly church and are open to all who want to explore their faith in the Lord.

Sunday Worship

10.30am Morning Worship - Holy Communion and All Age Worship services are held on a monthly basis

See Worship for detailed information on all our services.

Bracknell Methodist Church, June 2024

BMC_September 24

Bracknell Night Shelter

Since 2016 Bracknell Methodist Church participated in the Bracknell Church group homeless night shelter project. This gives secure warm and dry nightly accommodation through the coldest winter months. We also give an evening meal and cooked breakfast. The scheme is co-ordinated by the Pilgrim Hearts trust and more details can be found on their website. Although the need for the night shelter is no longer there Pilgrim Hearts still hold regular drop in sessions during the day at the church.

Room Lettings

The various rooms in the church are available for letting to external organisations, clubs and societies. Some of these are listed on our Other Users page. We currently have rooms available on several days of the week, please contact for details.

Elsewhere on this site

About Us - for general details about us, how to find us, contact details and a brief history of the church.

Church News - news of forthcoming events and what we have been doing recently.

Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals

Fellowship - other church activities which we share together as friends - Tuesday Fellowship, prayer and house groups.

Mission - our outreach into the wider community - Charity, Scouts, Brownies, Tea Break and all who meet on our premises

Prayers - suggestions for prayers and an opportunity to send us your prayer requests.

Our Minister - personal message from our Minister.

Other Links -Methodist, other churches in the area, charities we have supported, and other information.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Bracknell Methodist Church and this website follows the GDPR guidance issued by the Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes in Manchester and their privacy policy can be viewed and downloaded here.

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