"Praise the Lord!, oh, give
thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For his mercy endures forever." Psalm 106:1
Our main Sunday service is held at 10.30am. Services follow the Methodist tradition,
most Sundays there being a mix of traditional hymns and modern songs. The children
normally leave after the second hymn for their Junior Church, but once a month we have an
'All Age Worship' when they remain in. Holy Communion is held at least once per month,
the Lord's table is open to all.
Sunday Services
February 9th10.30am Revd. Soba Sinnathamby - Holy Communion
February 16th10.30am Worship Team
February 23rd10.30am Peter Whalley
Service Recordings
Services are streamed on Zoom and available to be viewed on YouTube afterwards.
Earlier ones can be found on our YouTube channel.
- Sunday February 2nd Sharon Gardner view
- Sunday January 26th Kim Tame view
- Sunday January 19th Maggy Garton view
- Sunday January 12th Soba Sinnathamby view
- Sunday January 5th Jackie Case view
- Sunday December 22nd Carol Service view
- Sunday December 15th Soba Sinnathamby view
- Sunday December 1st Christine Morgan view
- Sunday November 24th David Morgan view
- Sunday November 17th Worship Team view
- Sunday November 10th Soba Sinnathamby view
- Sunday November 3rd Jackie Case view
- Sunday October 27th Soba Sinnathamby view
- Sunday October 20th Worship Team view
- Sunday October 13th Charmaine Dinham view
- Sunday October 6th Sharon Gardner view
- Sunday September 29th Kim Tame view
- Sunday September 22nd Sharon Wright view
- Sunday September 8th Soba Sinnathamby - Harvest Festival view
- Sunday September 1st Mike Bowstead view
- Sunday August 25th Peter Whalley view
- Sunday August 18th Worship Team view
- Sunday August 11th Soba Sinnathamby view
- Sunday August 4th Sharon Gardner view
- Sunday July 28th Charmaine Dinham view
- Sunday July 21st Christine Morgan view
- Sunday July 14th Bryan Coates view
- Sunday July 7th Jackie Case view
- Sunday June 30th Mary Elms view